Neuron Pod at no. 2 on The Times' 'The Best Architecture of 2019'


We are delighted to see our Neuron Pod building feature at No. 2 on Jonathan Morrison’s The Times List of the top ten buildings of 2019, we know that Will would have loved the accolade of ‘strangest building – possibly ever’

See an excerpt from the article below:

“ 2/ Neuron Pod, Whitechapel, London, UK by Will Alsop

In brief: Brain box

By far the strangest building completed this year - or possibly ever - this joyous, bonkers, porcupine-pretty addition to Queen Mary’s science campus was the brainchild, quite literally, of the great Will Alsop - one of the most original and iconoclastic architects of modern times, who sadly died in 2018. Intended to resemble a nerve cell on the outside, with 500 glowing fibreoptic spines producing an entrancing, dancing display at night, it also houses a cavernous classroom and workshop within, where the little grey cells of children and adults alike can be especially stimulated. “

 Read the full article on The Times Website here.

Jacob Dix